Friday, 22 September 2017

20 Important Disaster Management Questions and Answers(Bits) for competitive Exams

20 Important Disaster Management Questions and Answers (Bits)for competitive Exams:

Hello Saajbha's

In this post we are giving you  20 Important Disaster Management Questions and Answers for competitive Exams. In recent exams we can see questions on Disaster management is common. So, to help you people to get an idea about the questions how they are asking and which topics they are covered. So, go through all the questions given below to get some idea and refer some other books to clear concept on disaster management.

Important Disaster Management Questions with Answers
Important Disaster Management Bits

20 Important Disaster Management Questions and Answers for competitive Exams:

1.Disaster Management includes?
  1. Mitigation
  2. Reconstruction
  3. Rehabilitation
  4. All the Above
Answer: 4

2. Tsunami’s can occur only during?
  1. Evening
  2. Morning
  3. Afternoon
  4. Any time in day or night
Answer: 4
3. When was the National Fire Service College established?
  1. 1956
  2. 1967
  3. 1958
  4. 1965
Answer: 1

4. How much of India’s Coastline is Vulnerable to Disasters?
  1.  5600km
  2. 5700km
  3. 7600km
  4. 6500km
Answer: 2

5. When was the National Cadet Corps (NCC), formed?
  1. 1948
  2. 1946
  3. 1952
  4. 1956
Answer: 1

6. Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre is located at?
  1. Dhaka
  2. Bangkok
  3. Khatmandu
  4. Jakartha
Answer: 2

7. The Disaster Management Act was made in?
  1. 2005
  2. 2004
  3. 2006
  4. 2008
Answer: 1

8. The term ‘Disaster’ is derived from which of the given languages? 
  1. Arabic
  2. Greek
  3. French
  4. Japan
Answer: 3

9. National Institute of Disaster Management is located at?
  1. New Delhi
  2. Nagpur
  3. Hyderabad
  4. Chennai
Answer: 1

10. The Chairman of the National Disaster Management Authority is ?
  1. Home Minister
  2. President
  3. Minister of Environment and Forest
  4. Prime Minister
Answer: 4

11. The term Cyclone is derived from which language?
  1. Greek
  2. Latin
  3. French
  4. Arabic
Answer: 1

12. How much percentage of Indian Land is prone to earthquakes?
  1. 56%
  2. 60%
  3. 69%
  4. 59%
Answer: 4

13. International Tsunami Information center is located in?
  1. Jakarta
  2. Honolalu
  3. Khatmandu
  4. Brazil
Answer: 2

14. The Place where an earthquake originates is?
  1.  Focus
  2. Epi centre
  3. Crust
  4. Focal
Answer: 1

15. Tsunamis are generated by?
  1. Landslides under water
  2. Volcanic Eruptions
  3. Earthquakes
  4.  All above
Answer:  4

16. Tornadoes are common in which country?
  1. China
  2. India
  3. U.S.A
  4. Nepal
Answer:  3

17. The National Civil Defence college was founded in?
  1. 1957
  2. 1975
  3. 1965
  4. 1967
Answer: 1

18. From the given options, find out the Natural Hazard?
  1. Cyclone
  2. Earth quake
  3. Landslides
  4. All the above
Answer: 4

19. Which gas was released when Bhopal gas Tragedy occurred?
  1.  Nitrogen Cyanide
  2. Methyl Cyanide
  3. Methyl Nitrate
  4. Methyl Iso cyanide
Answer: 4

20. International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction? 
  1. October 13
  2.  November 13
  3.  October 23
  4.  December 23
Answer: 1

These are the 20 Important Disaster Management Questions and Answers(Bits) for competitive Exams. Please do share with your friends and family and help them too with the disaster management questions. 

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1 comment:

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